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Blog about Digital Law and Data Protection

privacy and coronavirus

Privacy and the Coronavirus

There is no doubt that in this beginning of 2020 humanity as a whole is living a common challenge never seen before, facing an exceptional and unique situation: the expansion of the COVID19 pandemic...

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deepfake i proteccio de dades

Deepfake and data protection

Recently, we have started having consultations on a new technological phenomenon known as deepfake in which Artificial Intelligence techniques are used to alter videos and images so that the people...

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Brexit transferencies internacionals de dades UK

Brexit and international data transfers

International data transfers have a new situation to deal with: on 31st January, 2020 and after several extensions, BREXIT occurred, with the United Kingdom leaving the European Union after 47 years....

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GDPR and the deceased

The right to the protection of personal data ceases when a person’s life ends. This was established in Art. 2.4 of the Regulation that implements the abrogated Spanish Data Protection Act of...

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Security incidents: what to do?

Any business that, to a greater or lesser extent, has started or has thought about starting its digitisation process may become a victim of a cyber-attack. What to do in case of security incidents? Websites,...

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